Why You Should Print Custom T-Shirts for Your Company

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Over 3 billion T-Shirts are sold each year, of which, a majority are printed. T-Shirt printing started in the 1950's in Miami, Florida, when companies started decorating their T-Shirt to promote their business. Cut to today, adding your logo or design goes a long way in making that plain T-Shirt unique. Some business owners may wonder why they add to their expenses with Custom T-Shirts.

Here are 6 very good reasons why you should print Custom T-Shirts for your company:

1. Marketing your Company:

Why do airlines have their painted big over the entire airplane? This is to promote their brand to anyone who can see it. Similarly, when your employees wear a custom t-shirt with your logo when they meet their customers, at events or at work, all who meet them get exposed to your brand! Custom T-Shirts also make your company look professional.

2. Building Team Spirit within the Company:

It is great teams which makes great companies. There is nothing like team merchandise to increase the espirit-de-corps within the team. This is the reason why armies across the world wear uniforms. Same Custom Team t-shirts will promote team spirit and sense of belonging with no additional effort.

3. Enhancing Customer Loyalty:

Once you have established a brand and have loyal customers, you need to focus on creating customer loyalty. It is 10 times as hard to convert a new customer as it is to retain existing customers. Free Cool Custom T-Shirts with your branding done subtly, is a cool way to keep your brand in the minds of your customer always. Send extra special Custom T-Shirts to bigger customers and influencers and keep your customers coming back again and again!

4. Rewards:

People love to win! Make your customers promote you on social media or take part in a contest and give them Custom T-Shirts. Everyone loves a free t-shirt and you promote your brand and their customer loyalty at the same time!!

5. Additional Revenue Stream:

If your company has products which have a cult following like the Assassins Creed, it is time for you to create your own line of merchandise and increase your revenue streams. Let your fans share their love for your brand by wear you merchandise and you can have an additional revenue stream as well.

6. Memorabilia for Special Occasions:

Special events require special T-Shirts to celebrate and remind you of that occasion. Whenever you achieve a milestone like a Startup Award, create unique custom t-shirts so everyone in your team can be part of the moment and showoff this achievement everytime they wear this special Custom T-Shirt!