How to Add names and numbers ?

How to Add names and numbers ?

Personalization products are a great way to make every shirt for your group fun and unique! every group and occasion can find a creative way to use personalization.

Adding personalization name and number to your design is fun and easy also! Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Click “Add Names” in the upper right-hand portion of the Design Studio.
  2. Read the information on this screen to make sure personalization is right for your order, and click “Add Names & Numbers” to continue.
  3. Click the “Add Names” and “Add Numbers” checkboxes as appropriate. You can add either option alone or both options together to your order.
  4. Select the side of the item you’d like your personalization to appear on, the color you’d like it to print in, and your desired text size.
  5. Click “Enter Names/Numbers” to bring up your personalization entry form. Please list out every name and number and the size each personalization entry should print on. Please note that your personalization list needs to be complete for you to receive accurate pricing. When you are finished entering your personalization design, click “Done.”
  6. The next screen will give you the chance to add more items to your order that are not receiving personalization. If you would like to add non-personalized items that will still receive your custom design, check “I have items that are not receiving names or numbers.” Enter your desired quantities of non-personalized items in the boxes that will appear below.
  7. Save your design on the next screen to save your personalization.